Someone recently asked me if I get worried about divorce because “so many other people are getting divorced.” My response, “Heck no!” If I went by that logic, I would never drive a car out of fear of getting in an accident, nor would I ever get on a plane out of fear of a crash. That logic doesn’t make sense. Just because “everyone else” is going through something does not mean that will be your story. Are we perfect? Nope. Can marriage be difficult? Absolutely ! But, the reward from it is so amazing. I have learned so much about myself this last year and I will continue fighting daily for my marriage. He’s the best decision after Jesus that I ever made. The only way Jacob Beard is getting out of this is death 🤣🤣🤣.
If you are married, please continue fighting for your marriage. Stop comparing your life to everyone else’s. Prioritize each other. A healthy marriage takes work and a whole lot of Jesus. ❤️